
Dear colleagues,

The “ASIA PACIFIC BURN ASSOCIATION” (APBA) is a non-profit organization. The aims of the APBA are to promote scientific, evidence based, comprehensive multidisciplinary management of Burns and encourage basic and clinical research. The society aims to create a common platform to promote mutual collaboration between different specialists and institutes involved in the treatment of Burns, foster training and education and help in the dissemination of knowledge and creation of guidelines for management of Burns.
We are seeking to establish a register of Members for the “ASIA PACIFIC BURN ASSOCIATION” (APBA).
Currently there is no membership fee required. If and when the APBA international board requests a membership fee you will be informed accordingly.

The eligibility criteria for membership are (both mandatory):
• a doctor, nurse, scientist, related health care worker or individual who is interested and actively engaged in the study of, diagnosis and care of Burn patients
• a member of a national association that deals with Burns

In case you desire to be included as a life member of the Asia Pacific Burn Association and consent to its bylaws please fill in the requisite details in the attached form.

Please note that your application may be reviewed by your country’s representative on the APBA international board and membership may be refused.

Prof. Vinita Puri
President - Asia Pacific Burn Association
Prof. and Head, Department of Plastic Surgery
Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, India

Membership Details :

The membership of APBA consists of ‘Full members’, ‘Associate Members’ and ‘Honorary members’.
The application for ‘Full membership’/ ‘Associate membership’ shall be addressed to the Secretary of the Society in the prescribed format [5] and shall be accompanied with the requisite fee, when applicable. The executive committee shall decide on admission of ‘Full / Associate’ members from other countries in the Region that are not listed above. Admission may be refused if there is any doubt on integrity of the applicant.

Full membership : A ‘full member’ is defined as any doctor, nurse or therapist who is either practising burn management or has practiced in the past. An applicant shall be eligible to apply for membership as a Full Member if he or she maintains a valid and unrestricted license to practice medicine/ nursing/rehabilitation in his/her country of practice in the Asia- Pacific Region (applicable for those affiliated with medical disciplines).

Associate membership : An ‘Associate member’ is defined as any other person like a scientist, health care worker or corporate individual who is interested in the study of, or management of burns.

Honorary membership : An “Honorary member’ is defined as an individual, from any part of the world, who has been identified by the Executive committee of APBA as a person of excellence in the specialty of burn management. Honorary members may be proposed, by any member, for their distinguished contribution to APBA, and they shall be admitted at a Congress of APBA in person, upon the recommendation of the Executive.

All burn professional from the countries mentioned above who wish to be included in the initial list of membership of APBA shall forward their contact details to the secretary.


I, the undersigned hereby desire to become a life member of the Asia Pacific Burn Association and consent to its bylaws.

I certify that I fulfill the eligibility criteria for membership mentioned below.
• a doctor, nurse, scientist, related health care worker or individual who is interested and actively engaged in the study of, diagnosis and care of Burn patients / survivors
• a member of my national association that deals with Burns